We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
At Marshwood, our safeguarding team is:
- The Senior Designated Officer (SDO) is the Acting Head of School Mr. P. Beare.
- The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSDO) is Mrs. S. Jevons.
- Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs. S. Cuff
- You can also contact Miss C. Pooley, Head at Loders CE Primary
For a copy of the School’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy please click on policies under the information tab above. The procedures contained in this policy apply to all staff and governors and are consistent with those of the Dorset Safeguarding Children Board (DSCB).
Pan Dorset Safeguarding Procedures
Pan Dorset Safeguarding Awareness Poster
Advice for Tutoring, Sports, Clubs and other Activities
At Marshwood CE Primary we complete our own checks when recruiting staff in any extended or extra-curricular capacity. If you are making use of any external tutors or clubs, you can find advice here:
Online Safety Statement
At Marshwood CE Primary we are committed to the use of computer technologies and recognise the Internet as a valuable tool for learners of all ages. We acknowledge that computers and the internet do have the potential for inappropriate use and access to undesirable material and that we have a duty of care to protect our pupils.
All pupils use computer facilities, including the internet, as an essential part of the curriculum and to support learning opportunities within the school. There are well publicised concerns regarding access to materials on the internet that would be unsuitable for pupils. The school takes reasonable steps to minimise the access to unsuitable material by ensuring supervised usage of the internet alongside a filtered internet service provider which prevents access to specific internet sites.
There is more information on our website for children on the E-Safety page.
For more information about e-safety, or any other safeguarding issue, please see the information board by the school office, or use the links below.
- Get Safe Online - internet safety advice on all types of potential safeguarding issues, including terrorism
- Think You Know
- Internet Matters
Operation Encompass
What is Operation Encompass?
Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse. It was launched on the 1st October 2015 and it is a process by which Key Adults (Designated Safeguarding Leads) in schools, academies, nurseries are informed that a child/young person may have been affected by domestic abuse within 24 hours of the event taking place.
How will it help?
The sharing of information between the Police and schools will allow early intervention support by Key Adults in schools. The aim of this support is to assist any child affected by domestic abuse to remain in school, so that they continue learning in a safe and secure environment.
If you are concerned about domestic abuse or need help now, you can call Paragon on 0800 0325204
HM Government - Quick Reference Guide Information Sharing
We follow-up on any actions as directed by Operation Encompass and check on the welfare of pupils in school.
- Click here to visit the Operation Encompass website.
- Click here to read the Operation Encompass information booklet.
Prevent: - Reporting and preventing radicalisation, terrorist and extremist behaviour
In July 2015, the Government published advice for Governing bodies, school leaders and school staff. The advice explained what the Prevent Duty means for school and how schools should demonstrate compliance with the duty.
The Prevent Duty is part of the school's safeguarding procedures and practices.
If you believe that someone is at risk of radicalisation you can help them obtain support and prevent them becoming involved in terrorism by raising your concerns and making a referral. You may have concerns about a potentially vulnerable institution that is being exploited for the purpose of promoting an extremist ideology. In either case, a dedicated team is ready to help.
If there is an immediate threat to life always dial 999
Members of the public can call 101 to report any concerns. All calls are dealt with sensitively and you can ask to speak with a Prevent officer if you prefer.
Alternatively call our team directly during office hours on 01202 229337.
If you are from a partner agency (Prevent Duty partners only), please make a Prevent referral by completing the form below and emailing it to:
Prevent National Referral FormThe leaflet below has been created by Dorset on preventing terrorism and radicalisation within our communities.
Click here to download the Dorset Prevent Leaflet.
With the support of the Counter Terrorism Policing South West Prevent Team, the Safer Devon Partnership has produced a short film around the danger of people being radicalised through grooming and exploitation. Its theme is relevant to all our communities within the south west.
Safer Devon - Online Radicalisation.
Dorset Safe Schools & Communities Team
The SSCT is a partnership between Dorset Police, The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Dorset Combined Youth Offending Service with a remit to prevent/reduce anti-social behaviour, crime and wrong-doing amongst children and young people and help keep them safe in a digital world.
The team consists of dedicated Schools Officers, all of whom undertake Safeguarding training and undergo enhanced vetting on a regular basis.
SSCT have created a number of video resources for you to use with young people and parents. These can be accessed via the below link.
Contact the SSCT
Use the Do It Online page to report or refer to SSCT - if you are only looking for advice rather than making a formal report, please make this clear
Other Useful Links
Child Exploitation & Online Protection ReportingFearless (non-judgmental information about crime and criminality)Talk to Frank (drugs awareness)Alcohol Concern
Please visit our Policies page for the latest Safeguarding Policy.