Ofsted and Performance

Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place in May 2024. Our previous inspection had been an ungraded visit in February 2023. You can read the report using the link below.

The report picks out many things that we continue to be proud of as a school: children are confident, happy and show respect; older children help the younger ones; the school nurtures pupils' personal development, interests and talents. Reading is highlighted as a real strength following continued work to improve this since our last inspection.

We have been asked to continue working on two main areas to do with our curriculum. The report acknowledges that this work was already underway and that, for example, in areas such as maths, or for children with special needs, we have already made improvements and are continuing to do so and we were pleased to see this acknowledged by the inspectors. Our move to First Federation Trust in September 2024 has provided further opportunities for us to work with a wider group of schools to further improve the opportunities we provide for the children of Marshwood.

Whilst our Ofsted report gives important information about the school at the time of inspection, the best way to get a feel for our wonderful school is to come and visit us. Please contact us via the school office to arrange an appointment and we look forward to welcoming you.

OfstedOfsted Parent View


SIAMS Report March 2020

DfE Performance Data

DfE Performance Data