Collective Worship

Our Collective Worship is a central part of the ethos in the school and our daily act of worship strengthens and promotes our Christian values. These values guide us all and help us to reflect upon how we can be compassionate, respectful, aspirational individuals with the resilience to cope with the challenges of life. It happens every day and is a time when all can come together to find a space, silence and quietness to reflect on their own spirituality, values and place in the world. 

Collective Worship is invitational, inclusive and inspiring.  It is an chance for the whole school community to:

  • Engage in an act of community
  • Express praise and thanksgiving to God
  • Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ through Biblical texts
  • Affirm Christian values and attitudes
  • Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar
  • Experience and respond to Anglican traditions and practices
  • Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events
  • Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
  • Be still and reflect
  • Share each other’s joys and challenges

Collective Worship helps us to communicate and celebrate that:

  • We are a Christian family at the heart of our local community, with positive and effective links to the wider world

  • We are a Christian school founded on our core Christian values 

  • We develop each child spiritually, morally and socially within a Christian context, helping each child to consider their own attitudes, values and beliefs

  • We foster strong partnerships with parents, the local parish and the wider community

  • We believe all members of the school community should continually grow in our understanding of our values so that we may better live them out as individuals, as family and within the local community and the wider world

Collective Worship always includes the lighting of a candle to both signify the uniqueness of this special part of the day as well as being a focal point on which to reflect.  ‘Call and response’ Anglican liturgy is also used as part of worship.  For example ‘God is here, we are here. We are here, God is here.’  Every Friday parents are invited to join us to celebrate children’s achievements from the week.

Connecting with Collective Worship:

Collective Worship is planned and evaluated by the Head of School and Collective Worship coordinator along with the pupil Faith Council.  There is a strong link with our local church community, with acts of worship regularly led by a member of the local clergy.

Every day, the school community meet in St. Mary's Church or School for whole school Collective Worship.

  • Monday – 9am - Whole School Worship in St. Mary's Church led by Mr. Beare and pupils from our Faith Council focused around our half-termly school Christian value

  • Tuesday - 3pm - Open the Book Worship in St. Mary's Church led by Rev. Sarah 

  • Wednesday - 3pm - Class Worship in School led by Mrs Jevons or Mrs Morgan

  • Thursday – 3pm – Whole School Singing in St. Mary's Church led by Mrs Jevons

  • Friday – 3pm - Celebration and Marshwood Stars Worship in St. Mary's Church led by pupils from Pisdon Pen Class (Years 5&6), with certificates awarded for the School Core Values and other achievements in the presence of parents, carers and friends who are all welcome to join in and take part

We also hold special services to mark Christian festivals at St. Mary’s Church, and enjoy regular visits from Rev Sarah, our recebtly retired Ethos Governor Rob Greenman, and other visitors who lead whole school Collective Worships.